मेकअप साथै अपील ब्लॉग सोमबार चुराई, भोल्युम। 610


have a trendy week!

त्यसो भए … सोमबार चुप लाग्नु भनेको के हो?

उत्कृष्ट प्रश्न! यो यसको नामको विपरित होइन, वास्तविक पोल, जस्तै बिट ह्याटि बटनहरू जस्तै। यो केवल पाँच मध्ये एक धेरै वा कम अनियमित चिन्ताहरू मध्ये एक अधिक वा कम अनियमित चिन्ताको सूची हो जुन विगतको क्वाड्रिलियन वर्षहरूको लागि (200 2007 देखि) देखि प्रकाशित गर्दैछ। मलाई तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न मनपर्यो, साथै यसले मलाई मेरो हप्ताको एक महान सुरुवात गर्न सहयोग गर्दछ।

1. What’s something you state a lot?

I’m 100% guilty of overusing the word “seriously,” both in print as well as in person, as well as when I’m mom-ing quite hard, I likewise say, “Make great choices,” and, “Please utilize your listening ears,” a lot.

2. exactly how tall are you?

I tower over my minions at a staunch 5 feet one inches.

Pretty sure I’m shrinking, too.

3. What are you marathoning ideal now?

Anne with an E on Netflix. When it very first came out, I didn’t want anything to make with it since I have such fond memories of the Anne of eco-friendly Gables series from the ’80s, however I’m happy I provided it a chance. even though it’s darker than the old series (it *really* spells out all the poor things), it still has a sweetness about it.

4. Which would you rather online without — mascara or eyeliner? (Side note: In this scenario, you have to select one or the other. “Neither” is not an option!)

UGH, this is hard, man… I assumption if I had to provide one up, it would be eyeliner.

5. What makes you happy?

Coffee with milk as well as honey very first thing in the morning

Light, melt-in-your mouth cakes as well as cupcakes

Having a feline on my lap

Feeling warm as well as risk-free in my house

Clean floors

Just in situation you haven’t seen a feline in a gown in a while…

Here ya go!

This bit number belonged to Coywolf back in the day, however she graciously made a decision to share it with her kitty feline infant sister. नि?


It’s a holiday right here in the U.S. today (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), as well as lots of people have the day off from work. Whatever you’re up to, I hope it’s going well.

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय अपील दुर्व्यसन,



बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

पी। एस I ended up sleeping in this morning as well as got a grand overall of nine hours (!) of sleep, however honestly, I felt truly sluggish when I got up, like I might have slept at least three hours more.


Interesting factoid, however did you understand that oversleeping can make you feel even a lot more tired? I had no idea!

पी। एस यहाँ ठीक छ तपाईंको उत्तरहरूको साथ तपाईंको उत्तरहरूको साथ प्रतिलिपि गर्न / टाँस्नुहोस्। speak to ya soon.

1. What’s something you state a lot?
2. exactly how tall are you?
3. What are you marathoning ideal now?
4. Which would you rather online without — mascara or eyeliner? (Side note: In this scenario, you have to select one or the other. “Neither” is not an option!)
5. What makes you happy? नि?

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